
2024年11月28日 物理学院学术报告(第88期)深圳大学陈洪震助理教授


报告题目:Precision Limits and Trade-off Relations in Multiparameter Quantum Estimation

报告专家:陈洪震 助理教授    深圳大学

报告时间:2024年11月28日(周四)14 : 30

报告地点:理6栋302      邀请人:李赛


Quantum metrology, utilizing quantum mechanical effects such as superposition and entanglement, achieves a precision limit superior to that of classical metrology. There is now a comprehensive understanding of the local precision limit for single-parameter quantum estimation, quantifiable by the single-parameter quantum Cramér-Rao bound. However, practical applications often involve multiple parameters, where the precision limits are considerably less understood. Due to the incompatibility of optimal observables for different parameters, the multi-parameter quantum Cramér-Rao bound is generally unattainable. This necessitates trade-offs among the precisions of different parameters, underscoring the intricate relationship between precision limits and quantum mechanical effects. Quantifying such trade-offs has become a central focus in quantum metrology. In this talk, I will introduce several rigorous mathematical formulations and provide key theoretical insights that elucidate our recent progress and the ongoing challenges in this field. By focusing on theoretical perspectives, this talk aims to explain the fundamental principles that govern multi-parameter quantum estimation.


陈洪震,深圳大学物理与光电工程学院助理教授。2016年本科毕业于南京大学,2020年在香港中文大学取得博士学位,2021—2024年在香港中文大学开展博士后研究,2024年3月加入深圳大学。长期从事量子信息方面的理论研究,特别是多参数量子精密测量,以及量子控制、量子纠错等技术在量子精密测量中的应用,相关研究成果发表于Physical Review Letters, Science Advances, npj Quantum Inf. 等国际重要期刊。