
20231121 北京师范大学张宏宝副教授学术报告

报告题目:Non-equilibrium dynamics cries for holographic duality

报告人:张宏宝副教授    北京师范大学


报告地点:理六栋302        邀请人:张善超


Compared to the equilibrium state and its linear transport properties, quantum many-body non-equilibrium dynamics is notoriously difficult in light of the conventional toolbox. Here comes holographic duality, which maps such a hard problem to an easy one, where we are only required to solve the bulk gravitational dynamics with one extra dimension. In particular, the dissipation is encoded in a natural way as excitations absorbed by the bulk black hole. In this talk, I will demonstrate you the power of holographic duality by working with the simplest holographic model of superfluid. In particular, I will present you some novel patterns emerging from the splitting of multiply quantized vortex, which may be verified in the cold atom experiments. If time permits, I also report the creation of time crystals in the periodic driven superfluid, which offers us the third route to avoid the heating problem in engineering of time crystals.

