华南师范大学物理学院/特色活动 2023-07-03 09:17:00 来源:华南师范大学物理学院 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Development of diamond materials for quantum sensing and beyond
报告专家:褚智勤教授 香港大学
The diamond has been well known as the gem stones in jewellery market, and the same material with various atomic defects, i.e., color centers in diamond lattice, shows unique quantum behaviors even at ambient conditions. A diamond, not just the best friend of ladies, but also the best friend of scientists. Due to their unique quantum properties, these atomic defects have been demonstrated to achieve nanometric measurement of various physical quantities such as electromagnetic fields, temperature and etc. with unprecedented precision. Here, I will briefly introduce the diamond-based quantum science and technology, and its huge potential in diverse fields. Specifically, I will highlight our development of high figure-of-merit diamond materials towards quantum sensing in single living cells. In addition, I will also share my journey in exploring other directions, e.g., diamond metasurfaces, diamond semiconductors and etc.
褚智勤教授先后于西北大学(中国)物理系基地班和香港中文大学物理系获得学士和博士学位,此后在德国斯图加特大学从事博士后研究,自2018年11月开始任职于香港大学工程学院电机与电子工程学系担任助理教授。曾在物理学,生物医学,材料科学,光子学和生物学交叉研究领域发表多篇高影响力论文,包括Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Advanced Science, JACS, Biomaterials等国际期刊共约70余篇,被引用1600余次。褚智勤教授团队目前主要的研究方向包括量子传感与探测,生物物理,生物力学和生物光子学的相关研究。