

报告题目:Quantum optics with strongly interacting atomic systems


报告人:李霖教授 华中科技大学物理学院

时间:2019年10月18日 10:30




报告内容摘要:Manipulation of light at the single quanta level is an essential goal in quantum optics, due to its importance for quantum communications/computations and testing of fundamental quantum mechanics. However, performing such quantum operations on photons in a deterministic way turns out to be hard, as photon usually doesn’t interact with each other. Here we present some of our experiments where atomic systems are used to mediate the interaction between photons. By coupling light with high-lying Rydberg atoms or cavity QED system, atom-photon and photon-photon interactions can be effectively engineered. We demonstrate the on-demand generation of non-classical light states and atom-light entanglement enabled by these interactions.


个人简介:Lin's research focus on quantum information and quantum optics with Rydberg atoms and cavity QED. Lin started his Ph.D. in Prof. Kuzmich’s group at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010, working on long-lived quantum memory and strongly-interacting Rydberg atoms. After moved to University of Michigan in 2014, Lin setup a new experiment single-handedly and investigated single-photon Rydberg excitations. From 2017 to 2018, Lin worked in Prof. Gerhard Rempe's lab at Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics as a posdoc, studied the realization of Schrödinger's cat with cavity QED system. Lin joined Huazhong University of Science and Technology as in Sep. 2018 and is currently setting up his cold atoms experiments.