

报告题目:Nucleon structures from lattice QCD

报告人:梁剑博士  University of Kentucky

时间:2019年7月3日  上午10:00



 Lattice QCD is an ab initio approach of solving QCD problems with both the statistical and systematic uncertainties under control. One of its important applications is to study the nucleon structures, which promotes our understanding to the building block of the visible universe. I will introduce two of our recent calculations using the overlap type of fermion discretization as examples. The first one is the quark spin contribution to the total nucleon spin and the second one is the nucleon mass decomposition. Experimentally, they are closely related to the future EicC expriment.


Dr. Jian Liang studied theoretical physics at the Nankai University from 2006 and got a bachelor’s degree in 2010. Afterwards, he began his research career at Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, and got his doctorate in 2015. Based on his excellent work in LQCD, he was promoted to collaborate with Professor  Keh-Fei Liu at University of Kentucky, USA. His subjects are Lattice calculations of nucleon structures and hadron spectrum. One of his PRL papers “Proton Mass Decomposition from the QCD Energy Momentum Tensor” has been selected as PRL Editors’ Suggestion, which is also the main content of his talk.



报告题目:C and CP Violation in η → π+ π- π0

报告人史君博士  University of Kentucky

时间2019年7月3日  上午11:00



 The CP violating effects observed thus far appear only in flavor-changing processes and in a manner consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model (SM). The observed baryon asymmetry of the universe suggests that new mechanisms of CP violation beyond the SM should appear. Most searches for new sources of CP violation focus on processes that break P and CP, whereas processes that would break C and CP are not well studied. The decay η →π+ π- π0 is an ideal process in which to search for C and CP violation. In this talk, I will analyze the C and CP violating patterns in the Dalitz plot distribution of η → π+ π- π0 decayand discuss the implications of existing experiments.


Dr. Jun Shi studied theoretical physics at the Shandong University from 2006 and got a bachelor’s degree in 2010. She studied the properties of Hyperon Resonances at Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, under the instruction of Prof. Bing-Song Zou, and got her phD in 2015. Afterwards, she moved to University of Kentucky and studied New Physics beyond the Standard Model. Her research interests are the properties of hadron resonances and New Physics beyond the Standard Model, especially focusing on the new sources of discrete symmetry breaking based on effective field theory.