学术报告:A Gentle Introduction to Conformal Field Theory

讲座题目:A Gentle Introduction to Conformal Field Theory

演讲人:Robert de Mello Koch

时间: 4月3日。地点:理7-325

讲座摘要:In this talk we will introduce the idea of a conformal field theory. We will explain what conformal transformations are and then explain how conformal symmetry plays a role in organizing the structure of a conformal field theory. This leads naturally to the idea of primary operators, scaling dimensions and the operator product expansion. Finally, we will review the conformal bootstrap, a very recent development, aimed at solving conformal field theory exactly.

演讲者简介:Robert is a theoretical high energy physicist, focusing on non-perturbative quantum field theory, large N limits of gauge theories and the gauge theory/gravity duality. Since 2008 he has occupied the Chair in Fundamental Physics and String Theory, at the Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Since 1 April 2018 he has been joint faculty between South China Normal University and the University of the Witwatersrand.